
Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to buy stuff in Wealth 4 all

Once you join Wealth 4 all the very first thing you need to do is fund your E-Wallet. To do so, once you are in the back office go ahead and click on "Fund E-Wallet" on the top left.

This will take you the the next site where you can select your payment processor: Payza, Solid Trust Pay or i-Payout. i-Payout is the processor you'll need once you want to start withdrawing money from your Wealth 4 all account. Do not create an account right now as it has a monthly maintenance fee so the later you create your account the less you'll have to pay :)

Now select your Processor and the amount you want to add to your E-Wallet. To get started you'll need at least $26 plus 7% fees (quite high, huh?). The fees with i-Payout are much lower so once we start earning we will use that one. The fees will automatically be added to the amount you've entered. Enter the amount and click "Preview"

Once you are done click on "Pay Now" and you'll be redirected to the Payment Processor site for you to confirm the payment.

So now you have the money in your E-Wallet at Wealth 4 all. The next thing you need to do is pay for your one time membership fee. of $10. Go back to your Wealth 4 all back office and click on "Make Payment"

Now you see a site with a drop down menu where you cannot select anything else but the membership fee: You cannot buy any TAPs if you are not a paid member ;) Select your Processor, it's your E-Wallet, and hit "Preview". There will be an alert telling that "Note: Check carefully no refunds!!!" If everything is correct hit "Pay Now". You are done and ready to start buying your first TAP :)

Buying your first TAP:

Same procedure as above: Hit "Make Payment" The following site will appear.

In "Level" you'll see "TAP-1.1 (cost: $16) This is the first TAP you can buy. You can only buy one TAP at a time. If you want to buy more TAPs you'll need to do the same procedure every time as there is no option to select more than one TAP.

Hit "Preview" and then "Pay Now" and you've successfully bought your first TAP. Repeat the process if you funded your E-Wallet with more money ($42or more) and want to buy more TAPs ;)

Happy earnings!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

New Wealth 4 all commissions

Yesterday I received my commissions at Wealth 4 all for my cycled TAPs. Two of them cycled at the same time and the third cycled a few hours later. Here is a screen shot of my back office:

Here you can see that my las 10 day cycle earnings are $13.50; that's from my first 3 TAPs: TAP 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. 
You can see that my earnings have been split in half and $6.75 ($13.50/2) have been transfered to my Cycle Bucket. Once the money in the Cycle Bucket reaches the necessary amount to pay for the next TAP, it will automatically buy it with no action from you at all :) This way your business never stops growing even if you do not log in for a long time: It's running on autopilot and completely self funding from day one!

In a few days time I'll receive another payment for the rest of my TAPs I bought: TAP 1.4 to 1.12. This will make a a commission of $40.50! Awesome!! ;) My next TAP to buy is TAP 2.1 with a price of $32. Adding the $40.50 I'll receive in a few days to the actual E-Wallet balance will give me a total of $65. This means that once I receive my commission I'll be able to buy TAP 2.1 and 2.2 for a total of $64 adding 16 more Advertising Units to my actual 60 increasing my earnings with every cycle. 
If you don't think that Wealth 4 all is an awesome opportunity I think you are missing somethig....

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Got crazy and bought 9 new TAPs

I need to get my Wealth 4 all business moving faster.... I've been thinking the whole day to invest a bit more so I just funded my Wealth 4 all account with $150 and bought 9 TAPs.... all of the level 1 TAPs (I'm now at TAP 1.12, next is TAP 2.1). So now I have 60 AU (Advertising Units) that will pay $0.90 per cycle so next time all of my TAPs cycle I'll earn:
60 * $0.90= $54 :) 

Cool, Huh? That means that after 3 cycles (30 days) I'll break even... Way to go!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

My first Wealth4all cycle earnings :)

Yesterday I received my first Wealth4all cycle earnings :) I have bought 2 TAPs when I started with Wealth4all and have a total of 10 AUs (Advertising Units): that made me $9 for my first cycle ever... $4.50 for myself and $4.50 for my cycle bucket. 
I just bought another TAP so now I have TAP 1.3 and 15 AUs.... so next time I'll earn $13.50 :) With that money and the remaining $5 I have in my account I'll be able to buy TAP 1.4 once my TAPs cycle again in 10 days time :)

Here is a screenshot of my Wealth4all back office where you can see my first $9 commission :)

Let's keep it up and made some more extra $$ ;)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New Payment Processor for Wealth4all live

Yesterday all the Wealth4all members received the email that the new payment processor i-Payout. At first it didn't look that good to me as it seemed to be quite expensive but after looking at it more in detail and after receiving an email from the Wealth4all admin it seems quite ok: the withdrawal fees are lower than the ones we had with Payza (AlertPay) or Solid Trust Pay and also the Account funding fees are quite lower as well: 
i-Payout $0.25 
Payza (AlertPay) & Solid Trust Pay 7%

What I don't like that much is that there is a monthly maintenance fee of $1.25 and a one time activation fee of $1. This is not so bad... you can delay those payments just by not joining i-Payout till the day you want to start withdrawing money from Wealth4all.... unfortunately it's too late for me as I already created my account yesterday.... :(

Monday, May 7, 2012

Some more info about Wealth4all

So in Wealth4all you need to buy TAPs (Training and Advertising Packages) in order to make money. Each TAP lasts for 12 cycles and cycles are every 10 days. I've been looking around on the Internet and I found a site that explains quite good how this TAP thing works as I have no idea.... yet :)

So each TAP contains training packages and multiple advertising units. Each advertising unit pays you $0.90 per cycle , means every 10 days. TAP 1.1, the very first you buy and it has 5 advertising units (AU). So per cycle you'll earn 
5 x $0.90 = $4.50 every 10 days
Each TAP cycles 12 times:
Cycle 1-6 earns you 100%
Cycle 7-12 earns you 50%

This means that with your very first TAP:
Cycle 1-6 = 6x$4.50 = $27
Cycle 7-12 = 6x2.25 = $13.50
Total earned from your first TAP is $40.50 after 120 days

You earnings each cycle also splits 50/50. 50% of your earnings go into your Cycle Bucket where TAPs are automatically bought when the necessary amount is achieved. This way the growth of your Wealth4all business is ensured. The other 50% goes into your E-Wallet where you can withdraw it or reinvest it in buying new TAPs on your own :) You can change this auto split thing from 50% up to 100% repurchase ratio.

Also important to know is that each TAP contains 12 modules. So when you buy your first TAP it'll be TAP1.1, after that comes TAP 1.2, Tap 1.3.... till TAP 1.12. Then it starts over again with TAP 2.1, 2.2... 2.12
How many AUs do the TAPs give you?
TAP1 - Costs $16 - 5 ad units - Pays you $4.50 per cycle at 100%.
TAP2 - Costs $32 - 8 ad units - Pays you $7.20 per cycle at 100 %.
TAP3 - Costs $64 - 16 ad units - Pays you $14.40 per cycle at 100%.
TAP4 - Costs $128 - 32 ad units - Pays you $28.80 per cycle at 100%.
TAP5 - Costs $192 - 48 ad units - Pays you $43.20 per cycle at 100%.
TAP6 - Costs $16 - 5 ad units - Pays you $4.50 per cycle...
TAP7 - Costs $32 - 8 ad units - Pays you $7.20 per cycle...
TAP8 - Costs $64 - 16 ad units - Pays you $14.40 per cycle...
TAP9 - Costs $128 - 32 ad units - Pays you $28.80 per cycle...
TAP10 - Costs $192 - 48 ad units - Pays you $43.20 per cycle...

TAP 6 start with 5 AU again and TAP 10 48 AU
Remember that you earn $0.90 per AU per cycle :)

Hope this gives you a better overview of wealth4all :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Just got started

Today I got 100% started with Wealth4all :)

Just paid for my membership fee (one time $10) and also paid for 2 TAPs (Training and Advertising Package) even though I don't really know what this really is for.

So as far as I've understand now I'll earn $0.90 per day and after 10 days I'll get $9 from each TAB. Then 50% of that money will be automatically used to buy another TAB (if it is enough) and the other 50% will be available for me to withdraw (if it's at least $20). Will see if I'm correct in 10 days :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Joined Wealth 4 all today

Today I joined Wealth4all. Got curious about it and I decided to join and give it a shot. Don't really know what it is all about but it has something to do with advertising and training. Similar to Just Been Paid you have to buy TAPs (Training and Advertising Package) which are called Tripler positions or JSS Triplers in Just Been Paid.
This program is free to join but in oder to take full advantage of it you need to pay a one time membership fee of $10 and then you need to buy your first TAP for a price of $16: so the total price to get started is $26 :)

Once you got started you'll earn up to a 3% daily (have to take a closer look at this) and you also earn $5 fast start bonus for every referral that pays it's one time membership fee and a 10% on all their purchases and re-purchases.

You can purchase as many TAPs as you want. You are guaranteed to earn and you'll cycle every 10 days. Don't know exactly what this means: you are paid every 10 days? 
Referral commissions are paid instantly :) The best thing of it is what I also like about Just Been Paid: There is no need to refer any members in order to earn. If you refer you'll earn more ;) The min payout amount is $20.

Unfortunately I'm currently out of funds so I'll need to wait a few more days till I'm able to fund my account. As payment processors you can use AlertPay and Solid Trust Pay.

How do you earn with Wealth4all?
Here is a text I copied from their FAQ:
21. Q: What happens when I buy a TAP, how does this work - how do I cycle?
A: When you purchase TAPs, your Advertising Units will cycle 10 days later, paying you $0.90 each per cycle. You will continue to cycle every 10 days. Your earned commissions will be broken into two parts, a 50% commission paid to the member which is available to withdraw and 50% will automatically be put back into the purchase of new TAPs for the member. The more TAPs you purchase, the more Advertising Units you will receive, thereby increasing your income. You may add additional funds to your E-Wallet at any point to increase your new TAP purchase amount AND/OR you may elect to utilize a portion of your TAP commission earnings to do the same. Your Advertising Units will cycle 6 times and then 50% will be retired. The second 50% will retire after 12 cycles, however, due to the built-in auto repurchase, you are increasing the amount of Training Units you have working for you all the time which off-sets the impact of the retired TAPs.
I like the idea of them taking part of your earnings to buy new TAPs for yourself so that way they help the system and everybody wins. I'm quite interested in getting started!!
New Wealth 468.2