
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

New Wealth 4 all update

Just logged into my email account and read the new update from Wealth 4 all... really awesome: They have paid out over 2.3 million dollars to its members. Not in their e-wallets but in their bank accounts! Awesome :)
Here is the email for you:
Dear Juan ,

We wanted to take this opportunity to update you on two important thuings.  One is informaitonal and the other is part of the service you use with your banners.

First, I wanted everyone to know that we have surpased the $2,000,000.00 mark on payouts to Affiliates !  I actually meant to send this last week as soon as we made it, but because of other things we were doing I delayed it until today and when I checked, we had already reached $2,300,000.00 !!  That is great news guys, the system is working perfectly and we have helped changed many financial lives for people in our company! By the way, this are payments to people's bank accounts not virtual money in people's back office and e-wallets.  Real money in bank accounts !  Congratulations and enjoy.

Second, we have enhanced the banner placement on the back office so that you are able to use or place one banner advertising for each TAP you have paid for.  So tho! se of you that are in advanced TAP stages can place more banner advertising in the system than those that have just started.  At this point we are not charging or discounting credits from your account for those banners, we will do that once we have our new system in place and even more choices for the banners you can use.  Please follow the same process that you currently use to place your additional banners in the system

On the new system you will be able to choose from a variety of sizes, impressions, in-network (inside wealth4all sites) and out-network (outside of the wealth4all sites).  You will also have choices for premium positions and private placements where you are not on a rotator.

We are also completing and revamping our training offerings.  You will have choices on many training packages and for each TAP you buy a new training package will be added to you available list and you can download and use as you please.  Again, t! his will be ready very soon and unveiled along with all the ot! her prod ucts and offerings in GENESIS !

Thanks for being part of our company.  Than you for making one of the companies to be in on the internet and soon after GENESIS, we will certainly be one of the TOP companies to affiliate with.


Wealth4allteam Management
If you are not a member of Wealth 4 all..... join now :)

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