
Friday, September 21, 2012

Some Good News!!

I got this new update from Wealth 4 all this morning in my email and I really think this is some good news:
Dear Juan ,
This is the latest update dated September 20, 2012 @ 11:00pm.
We again than you for your patience and for being valued members of the wealth4allteam family.  We love and appreciate all of you and look forward to keep working together well into the future.
There is a lot of information that we need to talk about on this update.  We have been working day and night (literally) to complete the many tasks that are in front of us and ahead of us.  The good news is that we have made great strides and have a much firmer direction in which we can keep moving forward.
Please understand, as you will see in this update, that there is some information we had, but we could not share until we were assured it was accurate and feasible information.  We do not want to pass information along to you that we cannot deliver on. So, with that said, let’s start the news Update.
1.- Wealth4all will re-open its doors ! yes you heard it right, we are re-launching the program again but this time we are looking for a home overseas where the laws that govern our kind of business are friendlier and will allow for the business to last a long time without the fear of being shut down. We are contracting with a firm that specializes in setting this up and as of right now, we are looking at 2 to 3 weeks before re-opening our doors to the world.  There will be some changes to the comp plan (we will explain those changes next week on another update as they are completed) but it will be still by far, one of the best programs on the internet and a great income opportunity.
2.- Our preliminary accounting of the system has been finished and we can now give you some of the details in regards to your e-wallets.  Based on the fact that the program will re-open and everyone is invited and can participate as before, here is how we are going to cash-out your account to the e-wallets in Wealth4all.  (Please understand we are not talking about I-payout but about your back office e-wallet)
A.- Members who have withdrawn 150% or more of their deposited amount will not receive a cash payout to their e-wallet as they are considered paid.  We found that the average of those in this category to have withdrawn over 700% of their initial deposit amounts.  We believe that is more than fair compensation.
B.- members who have withdrawn a portion valued at 125% of their initial deposit, will see the difference of the initial deposit and the withdrawn amount back into their e-wallet. This approach accounts for a generous 25% profit to this group out of cycled earnings.
C.- members who deposited funds and were not able to withdraw ANY of their money out before the temporary shutdown, will see ALL of their deposit put back into the e-wallet. Most of this group has not cycled more than twice in the system
This takes care of the cash-out to e-wallets in the wealth4allteam back office. You will be able to go into the back office and see the amount placed in your e-wallet account by no later than Wednesday September 26th, 2012.
3.- TAP earnings and re-purchase values.  We are still evaluating this area and are coming up with a fair way to compensate everyone for a percentage of those earnings, TAP values and re-purchases. The reason we know it will be a percentage is because of the fact that new money has not been generated from sales of TAPs and because of the fact that the majority of people have indeed taken out more money  than what they had deposited.  We still feel that to be fair, some compensation is needed in this area and we are trying to figure out how we are going to do it.  We may end doing a PSU payout as we did last time so people can get paid on those values based on the profitability of the company as we go along and the payout will be limited to the amount we deem as owed to the member based on their individual account.  Again, we are working on this and will be announced as soon as we make that decision.
4.-  I-payout account balances and withdrawals: We are right now going over the I-payout accounts and reviewing the latest withdrawal batch that was made before the shutdown.  Please understand, our withdrawal payouts are done on a batch system and anything that was withdrawn the day before the shutdown did not get approved to go into the e-wallets until the next day and then that payout would have had a final approval at 5:00pm EST for release. That is why, that payout was held and not released.
Now, we will release the money from that last withdrawal batch using the same formula that we used for the cash-out.  If you have withdrawn 150% or more out of the system and you had a withdrawal request, then that request will be cancelled.  Anyone else under that threshold will be paid for their withdrawal.  You can expect to receive that very soon.  We anticipate two or three days before we release it as this is a manual operation and there are over 1200 requests on that last batch.
Also, many of the people that had made deposits into I-payout right at the end or even after we closed the site will see their money returned to them using the same method that they used to put it in the system.  That operation has already started and we have had many of you report that you indeed received those funds back into your accounts.  For the others that have not received it yet, please have patience and understand that once the money leaves the I-payout system it is in the hands of the federal banks and Credit/Debit card processors and we have no control over them.  ALL of those funds have been returned and are on their way.
5.- Weekly calls will start next week.  Along with the emails and recorded update calls, we will also re-start our weekly calls next week.  We are deciding what days to do them.  We are thinking Tuesdays and Thursdays as it divides the week nicely.  You’ll hear from many of us on those calls depending on the updates we are giving at the time.  There will be a time for questions and answers but it will be limited as we cannot be on these calls for hours on end as work needs to be done so we can complete our tasks and re-launch successfully.  We will make an announcement via email by this weekend.
Well, that was a long update but that is about half of the things we are working on.  The other half is all the work going on the Genesis project which is advancing beautifully and on time.  We will update you on that at a later date.  Please understand that this information is meant for our members and that we are trying our best to return to everyone a program that they loved and is successful.  The current environment here in the US does not allow for that to happen and that’s why we are looking at the alternatives.  There is no other reason and we want to make sure you understand that.
We hope that you see the reasons we are doing things the way we have, and we ask you to have patience and stay the course with us.  You will again see that the results will be worth the wait, and this time even better than before not only with the wealth4allteam program but then with the new launch of the Genesis project.  The future looks bright and we are happy you are here with us.
Thank you,
Wealth4allteam Management

So they are going to re-open this great business and I'm more than happy with this announcement. Let's hope for the best! I would love to see Wealth 4 all going back online ;)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Wealth 4 all update 09.14.2012

So here the last update I got into my mailbox about the Wealth 4 all situation:
This is the latest update dated September 14, 2012 @ 3:00pm.
We again than you for your patience and for being valued members of the welath4allteam family.  We love and appreciate all of you and understand that it can be very unnerving to not have information and that’s why we are asking that you use these updates as a way to be informed of the activities and actions we are taking to move forward with all our membership.  This message is being broadcast via email, Skype and a recorded line. We have also created a link of the recorded message  for those members overseas that cannot dial into the call system.
First, let us touch on some general information.  Some of you have been asking about the money that is in I-payout and your access to it. I-payout was temporarily disabled for the same reasons that we disabled the ability to deposit or withdraw from the site.  I-payout is an extension of the e-wallet system and if we allow withdrawals and deposits from I-payout, it would not allow us to do a complete accounting of the system and it would also unfairly allow some of the members to withdraw funds while others cannot. That is the reason why I-payout was temporarily stopped from doing transactions.
Also, as of this morning, September 14, 2012 at 9:00am, all the people that had sent a deposit from their bank account or credit card to I-payout since the time we closed the website and then found their funds locked up, those funds have now been released back to their bank accounts or credit cards so that they are not part of the accounting we are doing. For those affected, please allow up to 5 business days (not counting the weekend) to see those funds back into your accounts.
Now, there has been a lot of speculation as to what our members will receive as a cash-out from the current system. Here are some of the questions:  are we paying them for the amount of money deposited to buy TAPs, are we paying their Current TAP value on the system, are we paying on the amount of TAP’s they have as profit, If they have taken more cash out of the system than they deposited, are they then considered paid out?  Again many questions and the best answer we can give you right now is, Yes to all and We don’t know.
The payout has to be done fairly based on the situation of each individual group.  For example, members that just recently came into the system (less than a month) regardless of the amount of money they used to purchase TAPS, cannot be treated the same as someone that has been in the system for three months or more since the young member has not had the ability to grow his account by re-purchasing TAPs thus if we were to cash them out via the current TAP value, they will lose money.  Those people will have to be cashed out by looking at the amount of money deposited for purchases, minus any withdrawals and the difference returned to them. 
Each group has to be looked at and treated differently. Also, after we do our first round of accounting and see how to make everyone whole, then we would have to decide if there is any extra that we can do for our members.  For example, paying some of the profits so that they can end up ahead.   This process, based on where we are right now, could be completed towards the middle or end of next week.  Keep in mind, that this is based on us working without interruptions and also taking care of finalizing details for the new company. Please help us complete this work by not sending emails asking questions and privately skyping us for answers as all the time dedicated to answer those is time taken away from doing what we have to do.
We also ask that you please keep it positive in the social rooms on the internet.  We understand that emotions are running high for those of you that don’t have much experience with us but the truth of the matter is, If we really wanted to scam everyone as some have implied, we could have just shut the site down and be gone.  We do not work that way. We have always made it right and fair for everyone and we will do the same this time around. The fact that we are communicating with you and keeping you informed, should be proof of that. Why would we jeopardize losing 75,000 members for our new project by scamming you now? Does that make any sense to anyone?  Again, please allow us the time to get things done the right way.
Another important item, there has been an email floating around asking our members to join a site called  Let us be perfectly clear;  WE DID NOT SEND THAT EMAIL.  The sender forged the TO field to look as if it was coming from us, but it is not.  We are investigating and will have our attorneys communicate with those people to make them stop immediately or face legal action.  Beware!
As far as all the new programs coming with project genesis, we can report that we are still on target and we are planning on delivering more concrete information very soon.  Timing is of the essence for everything we are doing and in order to create momentum for everyone, we must adhere to a specific schedule so that we do not dilute the information and have an adverse impact on the new project. 
Some of you have asked if we are going to use the value of TAPs on the new system and or how much money will have to be deposited to get started on the new project and I believe the question is based on a misunderstanding of what we are doing.  The new system will not require deposits and it will certainly not be a passive system which is what gets so many internet businesses in trouble.  The new system will allow new and seasoned internet marketers to make a lasting and growing income based on growth and sales.  Please, don’t speculate on that as of yet, but wait until you hear what it is and how it is going to work.  Information will start flowing soon.

Well, we hope we have covered most of the important questions out there right now and we will keep communicating using all the methods mentioned  above to keep you updated. Thank you and have a great day !
 Here is the information on how to listen to the update call and link:
Update call:  1-530-881-1399  pin number: 981-832 #
Link to listen to the call online:
Wealth4allteam Management

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bad news... for now :)

I was really depressed after reading the new Wealth 4 all update I got into my mailbox this morning. Looks like Wealth 4 all is not compailant with the US Regulations anymore so they decided to cancel the project before it is shut down like it happend to Zeek Rewards. Looks like we will have to wait for Genesis to start working. Here is the copy of the email:
Dear Juan ,

Please read this communication in it’s entirety as it contains important information crucial to your business with Wealth4allTeam.

As you are aware from previous communications, we have been working hard at getting our Project Genesis off the ground.  The goal of Project Genesis is to create a business model that offers the right balance between a product and a rewarding financial opportunity.  We’ve created an amazing model that will offer several income opportunities to a wide spectrum of people, from beginners to the more experienced network marketers. 

In the past, we also informed you that we were consulting with both our legal team and with a compensation consulting firm to help us integrate our existing pay structure with the new model.  During these consultations, it has become clear to us that the required changes to the current compensation plan are too drastic and complicated to be done effectively.  Based on that, our counsel has advised us to create a completely new business model that will better serve everyone for our new business.

What does this mean for you?  It means that the current compensation model that we’ve been using with Wealth4allTeam is going away to make room for the new.  In order for us to do this, we must close our system as it exists today and cash out all participants in the system.  We will honor all of our commitments, including our commitment to ensure that no one loses money with Wealth4allteam.  In order to carry out this commitment, we will be closing down the site so we can work on all the details for an orderly, clean and accurate accounting of affiliate and customer accounts.  During the process, you will be able to see your back office but will not be able to make any changes and we will be communicating and letting you know the time frame and details to get this task completed via email.  Our next communication will be in  the next few days.  In that communication, we will explain the cash out process and what your account ! will receive. 

At the same time, we will continue work on the new system (Project Genesis).  We want to finalize the process and get started as quickly as possible.  We hope that the majority of you will join us in this new endeavor.  We’ve changed the pay plan in the past, as recently as January 2012, and it was received with great excitement.  This time, we’re developing something even stronger and more powerful than what anybody has seen before.  We feel it has greater potential than the existing wealth4allteam platform.

We are making a commitment to you that we will be open and honest in our communications.  We ask that you stick around because we know our new project will help catapult your earning potential to the next level!

Please understand, this was a hard and difficult decision.  But it was necessary.  Our main priority has always been to focus on what’s best for our customers and affiliates.  With this in mind, we know we’re making the right decision.  It’s our goal to operate an ethical business, one poised to take advantage of the future of the internet.  We believe we’re on the right path. 

Please Join us and be a part of that future with us !


Wealth4allteam Management
So from what I can understand in the update, Wealth 4 all will stop working in a few days time but we, the members, will not lose our money and there will be a new communication explaining how we will be able to cash out our money....
I know they did something like that some time ago when they closed their old site and gave all the money back and then started with Wealth 4 all new payplan at January 2012. if they do this again this time I'll be back in business with these guys when they start again ;)
So I'm depressed because Wealth 4 all is my best earning opportunity so far and I really hate to lose it. All of my income opportunities have gone: Just Been Paid, The Golden Path and now Wealth 4 all... they are all in "Stand By" mode and there is nothing I can do but wait and see if they finally take off again....  ;)
Fingers crossed!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Active downlines

I'm really happy! I just logged into my Wealth 4 all back office to find out that I'm now at TAP 5.2!! I have over 750 active AUs which are making me a nice money every time my TAPs cycle. Also I have some great active downlines who are making me some nice extra $$ every time they buy new TAPs for themselves. I even have a downline that has surpassed me already: he is at TAP 5.4!! And he just got started about 2 weeks ago!! Awesome! Way to go my friend :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I reached TAP 5 today

I'm very proud to say that I've reached TAP 5.1 today! I logged into my Wealth 4 all back office and I had over $200 in my e-wallet and cycle bucket... enough to buy TAP 5 :) 
You might ask: Why did the system not buy it on its own if you have repurchase set at 100%?
Simple: the autorepurchase function only uses money generated from your cycling TAPs. As I set it to 100% all the money generated from my cycling TAPs get into the cycling bucket and will be used to buy new TAPs as soon as there is enough money. For TAP 5 it has to be $192!!! Wow, huh?... this is the most expensive thing I've ever bought online ;)

So the money generated by your referrals purchasing new TAPs does not go into the cycling bucket but directly into your e-wallet. This is why you need to log in regularly to make sure you have used all the money available to buy new TAPs to make your business grow faster or withdraw that money if you prefer... This is up to you ;)