
Sunday, May 27, 2012

New Wealth 4 all commissions

Yesterday I received my commissions at Wealth 4 all for my cycled TAPs. Two of them cycled at the same time and the third cycled a few hours later. Here is a screen shot of my back office:

Here you can see that my las 10 day cycle earnings are $13.50; that's from my first 3 TAPs: TAP 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. 
You can see that my earnings have been split in half and $6.75 ($13.50/2) have been transfered to my Cycle Bucket. Once the money in the Cycle Bucket reaches the necessary amount to pay for the next TAP, it will automatically buy it with no action from you at all :) This way your business never stops growing even if you do not log in for a long time: It's running on autopilot and completely self funding from day one!

In a few days time I'll receive another payment for the rest of my TAPs I bought: TAP 1.4 to 1.12. This will make a a commission of $40.50! Awesome!! ;) My next TAP to buy is TAP 2.1 with a price of $32. Adding the $40.50 I'll receive in a few days to the actual E-Wallet balance will give me a total of $65. This means that once I receive my commission I'll be able to buy TAP 2.1 and 2.2 for a total of $64 adding 16 more Advertising Units to my actual 60 increasing my earnings with every cycle. 
If you don't think that Wealth 4 all is an awesome opportunity I think you are missing somethig....

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